Ultimate Light's Non-Surgical Face Lift

"Restoring your client's youthful radiance and appearance"

Non-Surgical Face Lift

Ultimate Light generates powerful light waves that stimulate the body’s collagen and elastin formation, resulting in:

1. Diminished fine lines and wrinkles.

2. Increased facial volume and firmness.

3. Improved blemishes and age spots.

4. Tightened saggy and loose skin on the face and neck.

No Surgery Needed

No one can deny the unappealing changes that take place with age, specifically when it comes to the face. Until recently, the only alternative was painful and  expensive surgery. This can now be avoided by using the Ultimate Light. Some of our advantages are as follows:

• The treatment is non-surgical, painless and relatively inexpensive.

• Changes occur beneath the skin, so they improve appearance naturally.

• Suitable for all skin types and tones.

• Treatments are quick and easy, lasting 20 minutes twice a  week.