The Healing Nature of Light Therapy

This Letter Tells It All

“While hiking upstream in a creek, I cut my right leg on a sharp boulder.  The cut became infected because I stayed in the water for several more hours after the accident happened.  Thankfully, I started applying a 10-minute session of red light to the area every other day.  After about 4 treatments, the cut healed.  I continued with the treatments for several more weeks which resulted in NO scaring at all.”  Gail B.


Benefiting A Range Of Conditions

Red Light Therapy has been shown to improve many health conditions such as neuropathy, diabetic ulcers, muscle pain, fibromyalgia, severe headaches and irritable bowel syndrome, as well as many types of injuries. Patients have also confirmed that applying Red Light to skin conditions such as rosacea, psoriasis and hives resulted in marked improvement.  

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